VETPROFIT—Multidisciplinary, Project-Based Digital Learning Content for VET

The VETPROFIT project aims to bring vocational education and training closer to the requirements of the labour market. 

The Problem

The labour market requires practical knowledge, but teaching materials are mostly focused on theory. Education often operates in isolation from the business world, widening the gap between the skills provided by schools and those required by employers.

The teaching materials are not motivating enough for students born into the digital world, and contain few real-life examples from work situations.

While in most workplaces staff are expected to work in a project approach, the project-based method and related forms of work are still not integrated into training, and the majority of teachers are not yet prepared to apply the project method.

It is difficult to integrate the multidisciplinary approach with traditional teaching methods, even though young graduates need to apply knowledge and skills from different subjects at the same time to solve problems in the workplace.

The Solution

In the VETPROFIT project, we try to bring vocational education and training closer to the actual requirements of the labour market by preparing teachers to develop project tasks for their students based on real situations suggested by companies.

Activities and Expected Results

The project will be implemented in 6 steps, with the following planned results:

  1. We will review the curricula, textbooks and teaching methods used in basic training in the IT and agriculture sectors in the partner countries participating in the project, and see how they match up with what the labour market expects from a prospective employee. The results of the research will be published in a paper entitled "Vocational education and training textbooks and the 21st century relevance of teaching materials".

  1. Teachers in both sectors will be trained in the use of project methods, innovative assessment methods and the development of digital learning materials. This training will take the form of an e-learning course ("Project-based learning with an interdisciplinary approach - blended learning for vocational teachers").

  2. In partnership with teachers and labour market actors, we develop projects that are based on real-life work situations for vocational students.

  3. We will create an online database application to publish reusable, project-oriented, high-quality and motivating (micro)learning materials, developed in a multidisciplinary approach, for free use by vocational education and training.

  4. We prepare students to carry out projects through mini-courses.

  5. A handbook entitled "Developing, publishing and repurposing digital micro-teaching materials—a methodological guide for VET teachers" will be published. The handbook will summarize the experiences and knowledge gained during the project, and will be freely available to VET teachers.

Target Groups

  • Leadership of VET schools
  • VET teachers and trainers
  • Companies in the agricultural and IT sectors

Beneficiaries of the Results

  • VET students
  • Employers

Project Information


Project ID: 2021-1-HU01-KA220-VET-000025350

Program: Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnership

Partner countries: Germany, Italy, Hungary

Duration:  01 November, 2021 – 31 October, 2024

Contact: iTStudy Hungary Education and Research Centre Ltd.


iTStudy Hungary IT Education and Research Centre, Hungary

DEULA-Nienburg GmbH, Germany

Fondazione ITS – JobsAcademy, Italy

Association of Hungarian Horticultural Vocational Training Institutions, Hungary

Premontre Vocational High School, Technical School and College, Hungary

Discovery Center Nonprofit Ltd., Hungary