
Downloadable manual for developing a quality management system in VET institutions

One of the key elements of the renewal of VET is the introduction of a single, process-oriented quality management system (QMS), which is in line with the recommendations of EQAVET, the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAFET), developed by the European Union in 2009.

The development of such institutional quality management systems is supported in practice by the handbook published by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), an interactive version of which was developed in Hungarian, Spanish and Italian by the consortium partners of the Erasmus+ project OpenQAsS, coordinated by our institution, with the contribution of CEDEFOP in 2018, and published free of charge for all.

The handbook is recommended to heads of institutions and teachers working in vocational education and training who want to operate a quality management system that does not increase paperwork and administration, but provides real help in the continuous development of the institution and the development of an organisational quality culture.

The practical guidelines in this manual are based on the PDCA cycle of quality development (Plan, Do, Check, Act), which is the basis of the Quality Management System (MIR), in line with the EQAVET Recommendation.

This book will be useful for managers and teachers who wish to develop a practical quality management system in line with the EQAVET system, which will help to continuously improve the quality of education by planning, managing and controlling internal processes and by developing a culture of quality at organisational level.


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