
Online seminar for reading club leaders

Hungarian reading club leaders held an online seminar in the framework of the Read-In-Club project on 4 February 2022.

Although 9 people indicated their intention to participate, 6 people attended the seminar.

The programme included the following topics:

  • Presentation of the Read-In-Club project and the partnership
  • Introduction to the participating reading clubs
  • Presentation and practice of the applications that support the work of the Reading Club: Zoom, Google Forms, Mentimeter, Canva, Doodle.

Participants were tired at the end of the 3-hour seminar, but enthusiastic and gave feedback on the usefulness of the online applications they had learned about for communication, content creation, consultation and opinion polling:

"It was useful for me to get to know Zoom, Canva. It was all nicely structured. I am far from the application area of IT, e.g. questioning is a difficult task."

Another feedback:

"I have gained a lot of useful information and I can use this new information mainly in my own readership. I have been given online techniques that I was not aware of before and they have sparked my interest. I will try to learn and apply them."