Digital tools for teaching

This is a collection of open educational resources, online tools, webpages and applications that can be used for educational purposes.

Flickr is probably the most famous photo-sharing site. Authors are required to indicate the license of their photos which is clearly in evidence next to each photo. One can, of course, search by license.

Creation of interactive presentations and infographics.

GeoGebra is an interactive geometry, algebra and calculus application, intended for learning and teaching mathematics and science from primary school to university level.  

Google offers us the possibility to search for images, videos and other resources.

Creation of surveys and quizzes.

Creation of quizzes.

Offers free videolessons.

Directory created within the framework of European Schoolnet, the network of 34 Ministries of Education at European level. In April 2019 it counted over 330,000 open resources in a plurality of languages.

A LearningApps egy olyan alkalmazás, amely lehetővé teszi ún. tankockák (interaktív feladatok) létrehozását a tanulási folyamatok megkönnyítése érdekében.

LinoIt is actually an online cork board that provides us with a number of features that make it easy to conduct brainstorming, opinions, evaluations in the classroom.