
Flipped Classroom in Practice: Innovating Vocational Education — downloadable book

In the flipped classroom method, the "flipping" consists in the fact that the processing of the curriculum does not start in the usual way, with the teacher's explanation, but with the student receiving the digital learning material prepared by the teacher before the lesson, which he/she works on at home, orientates himself/herself at home on the given topic, prepares questions for the lesson at home. The class becomes an interactive learning environment where students work on, apply and creatively engage with the material, either in groups or together with the teacher.

In the first part of the book, the reader is introduced to the concept of the flipped classroom method, its history and the secrets of its success and rapid spread. It then introduces the practical skills and technical tools needed for reversal. The third chapter is devoted to lesson planning: concrete practical examples will introduce the reader to the planning of the flipped classroom, the methods of performance assessment and the pedagogical evaluation after the lesson.

In the second part, we will share the experiences of 76 Hungarian teachers of vocational education and training and general subjects who have tried the flipped classroom as part of our Flip-IT! project.


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