Performing project management in VET schools

After a few weeks of forced stagnation due to the coronavirus situation, the next phase of our Erasmus + Project, Reacti-VET - Teachers for Reactive and Responsive Vocational Education, will get started: having finished the training course for teachers successfully teachers now will carry out extracurricular professional projects together with their students, which aims are determined by prospective employer companies.

The Hungarian teams chose the following topics:

  1. BGSZC – informatics related to logistics  (e.g. how to make a registry)
  2. Veszprémi Szakképzési Centrum Öveges József Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma – trade
  3. Veszprémi Szakképzési Centrum Öveges József Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma – informatics
  4. SZÁMALK - Szalézi Szakgimnázium – pedagogy, communication
  5. SZÁMALK - Szalézi Szakgimnázium – IT securitiy

It is up to each school to decide whether to start it during the summer internship, or to carry out the preparation and start working in September.


The project aims to provide effective and necessary training and support for VET teachers to enable them to identify and respond to skill-gaps in the labour market, but also involving other relevant stakeholders - students, parents, teaching staff, and particularly employers experiencing difficulties finding skilled workers to fill vacancies. The project aims to provide effective and necessary training and support for VET teachers to enable them to identify and respond to skill-gaps in the labour market, but also involving other relevant stakeholders - students, parents, teaching staff, and particularly employers experiencing difficulties finding skilled workers to fill vacancies.