Teachers have got ready, it’s the students’ turn now in the ReactiVET project

In order to demonstrate the completed and upcoming tasks of the project, we held an online conference on September 18, 2020 with the participation of 26 people, to which we invited  lecturers and heads of institutions working in vocational education.
At the event, we heard presentations on how the Reacti-VET concept relates to the VET 4.0 strategy, quality improvement in VET, then we reported on the experience of the online teacher's training course and outlined the process of implementing the pilot courses for students in the next phase.
Over the next 4-5 months, the project, in close collaboration with students, teachers and companies, will include the following extra curricular 30-hour training courses under the guidance of project teams formed during the online teacher's course:
- knowledge of office software
- purchase of imported goods
- IT security
- communication and complementary skills in social care
- smart home informatics.
The courses will be implemented partly within the classroom and  online, with the possibility of personal meetings at the company's premises. At the conclusion, students will present the  project task completed, which will be evaluated by the company based on preliminary criteria. Students will repeat self-assessment, they are also assessed by their teachers, so the progress experienced during the course can be measured and followed.